Congratulations to our Best Student Paper Award Winners! Thank you to Northrop Grumman for being the Best Student Paper Patron this year.
1st Place Lecture Student Paper Award
“Analysis and Design of Super-Sensitive Stacked (S3) Resonators for Low-Noise Pitch/Roll Gyroscopes” by Ali Darvishian
1st Place Poster Student Paper Award
“Frequency Stabilization in a MEMS Oscillator with 1:2 Internal Resonance” by Jun Yu
2nd Place Lecture Student Paper Award
"Retrospective Correction of Angular Gain by Virtual Carouseling in MEMS Gyroscopes" by Sina Askari
2nd Place Poster Student Paper Award
“Design Space Exploration of Hemi-Toroidal Fused Quartz Shell Resonators” by Mohammad H. Asadian
3rd Place Lecture Student Paper Award
“Improving the stability of 1.5 mm2 gyroscopes down to 2 °/hr at 1000 s with NEMS based sensing” by Marco Gadola
3rd Place Poster Student Paper Award
“Study on Mounting Position of IMU for Better Accuracy of ZUPT-Aided Pedestrian Inertial Navigation” by Yusheng Wang
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